Finally things are warming up! We've been dogged by rain and low tempertures for a while and the day before yesterday we set off for the Sarhro mountains and camped out near the top of the pass. There was nice moment as a chap came by on a rickety moped when we were cooking, he pointed at the broccoli "What's that?" he says. We gave him some to try at home as he seemed quite taken with it.
In the morning everything was white, slightly predictable at 2250m it had snowed in the night, and gingerly we made our way down and below the clouds. The view was spectacular and both yesterday and today it has been one amazing vista after another as we wind our way through mountains and jolt across stoney plains.
Last night we stayed in a nice low-key town called Taznakht and tonight we are in Tata. Both are worlds away from the tout ridden areas and people just go about their business, which makes for relaxing places to end the day's travel. The best thing about today though is that it is finally warm!
More pictures on the Flickr page too.
Sounds like you're having a great time. But who is that driving?? Must be the camera angle - it doesn't look like EITHER of you!