Saturday, October 10, 2009

A good tired

I am a good tired tonight. I left Taza at lunchtime after getting the tyres fitted and regreasing the rear wheel bearing. My plan was to take the back roads as I did yesterday and head for Midelt. It turns out not all backroads were created equal and though classified the same as yesterdays on the map, these were considerably slower going.

The road south of Taza winds up and up, hairpin after hairpin bend until it reaches a plateau of about 2000m, according to sat nav anyway. The tarmac stopped for a few miles of dirt road fun at 2700m then returned again better than ever. The hills are a lot greener than anything I saw yesterday and there was even some standing water.

There were so many times that I wanted to capture the wonderment I felt so that I could return to it or at least so that I would never forget it. I took lots of photos but I am sure that on looking through them at home it will be case of "mountains","more mountains".

Apparently the best is yet to come, the stretch I did does not feature on any itineries so be prepared for more gushing! The riding has taken it out of me though, so I will have to be on form for some of the longer tracks.

The late start and the winding roads meant that I diverted to a very small town called Missour as Midelt was too far to reach before sundown. Again anonymity is mine on the streets and I got some tasty food sitting out at pavement tables.

Ever southward again tomorrow but with the unhappy prospect of a more touristy section, I probably will not get internet tomorrow night so will update in a couple of days or so. Comments now enabled too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm lost with you in the descriptions with which you use so few words to give such strong impressions of environment and your emotions. Maybe it's just beuase I know you so well but I think it's your writing that conjors up the strong impressions and completely conveys your reactions to them. Thankyou. Becka
