Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Highs and Lows

As predicted I was not able to blog for a couple of nights, last night because I was at a campsite chatting to another biker all evening and the night before because I camped out in the High Atlas mountains, kind of in an unplanned way...

I rode out to Midelt, got a few provisions and headed off on the tourist track 'Cirque de Jaffa'. I dropped the bike once on a stoney oued crossing but started to get the hang of nailing the throttle to get through rough sections. Then the chain snapped. I remembered the thing that I kept meaning to buy on the way down - a spare link.

Still, this is a well trodden tourist route someone will be along soon. Thomas texted me to tell me my car had been stolen. Thomas texted again to say it was ok, it was 'only' impounded for tax evasion. After six hours and only two cyclists and a donkey riding boy (who assured me lorries came this way) I decided to pitch my tent as it was getting dark.

Just as I got to bed a 4x4 shot past in the dark tooting merrily at my waving! The next morning at dawn I set off on foot for Midelt a do-able 13 miles away, having hidden my gear and chained the bike. My bag contained water, the chain and food.

After only 20 minutes an ancient Renault van hove into view, picked me up, then my stuff and my bike. We passed 12 motorbikes and 3 cars on the way back to Midelt, Monday morning rush hour in the High Atlas.

So now I am travelling with another British Biker and have had great time at Erg Chebbi, a small dune sea. The chain is fixed up better than ever and I have a spare. The wobbly sproket that caused the failure is also sorted.

I've rambled on long enough already, you can check a few photo's at:


I'm staying here tomorrow night so I may be able to blog then too.


  1. One hell of a day, pretty long 6 hours I guess but I can see you loving having it to tell when you get back! Love the photo of the van, some squeeze. You have such a wonderful gift for meeting people and making buddies, I can picture you laughing and drinking with your latest biker buddy perfectly. Can't wait to 'bored' by all the mountain and dune photos on your return Becka

  2. Looks like you could do with another English breakfast!

    Dr. Grumpy

  3. I know what you mean, looks a bit undernourished doesn't he!
